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1968 年,在全世界的见证下,民主拒绝让步。

《社群网战》金奖编剧艾伦索金(Aaron Sorkin)自编自导 Netflix 原创电影《芝加哥七人案:惊世审判》(The Trial Of The Chicago 7)正式预告上线。

集结多位好莱坞当红演员,本片重现 1968 年发生的真人真事,当时民主党全国代表大会在芝加哥举行时发生一场示威抗议,原应和平进行的行动却演变成群众与警察及国民兵的暴力冲突。

组织这场反越战的人物包括艾比霍夫曼(Abbie Hoffman)、杰瑞鲁宾(Jerry Rubin)、汤姆海登(Tom Hayden)、巴比希尔(Bobby Seale)等 7 名人士,在事后被控共谋引发暴乱,并接受了一场史上最恶名昭彰的审判。

演员阵容阵容包括萨夏拜伦柯恩(Sacha Baron Cohen)、乔瑟夫高登李维(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)、米高基顿(Michael Keaton)、艾迪瑞德曼(Eddie Redmayne)以及近日甫获艾美奖的《守护者》男配角叶海亚阿巴杜马汀二世(Yahya Abdul-Mateen II)、《继承之战》男主角杰瑞米史壮(Jeremy Strong)。

本片日前举行线上世界首映活动,不少影评人给予高度肯定,《Indiewire》副总编辑凯特厄布兰(Kate Erbland)认为影片杰出,把编导艾伦索金的实力和题材巧妙地结合在一起,且众演员的表现精湛,特别是杰瑞米史壮和萨夏拜伦柯恩的组合令人深受启发。

TheTrialOfTheChicago7 is great, a wily marriage of Sorkin's strengths, timely material (though the film makes a cogent argument this stuff is ALWAYS timely), and an ensemble cast made of top to bottom standout performances (but that Strong/Cohen combo is particularly inspired).

— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) September 23, 2020

《Fandango》的艾瑞克戴维斯(Erik Davis)则大赞本片绝对是今年最佳电影之一,俐落机智、引人入胜、适逢其时,出色的写作和令人感动的演出,”这是一部令人背脊发凉却鼓舞人心的电影,讲述着抗争行动的力量。”

TheTrialOfTheChicago7 is great, a wily marriage of Sorkin's strengths, timely material (though the film makes a cogent argument this stuff is ALWAYS timely), and an ensemble cast made of top to bottom standout performances (but that Strong/Cohen combo is particularly inspired).

— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) September 23, 2020

其他更多影评人同样提及了演员群的表现,大赞选角导演法兰馨梅思勒(Francine Maisler)。

TheTrialOfTheChicago7 is great, a wily marriage of Sorkin's strengths, timely material (though the film makes a cogent argument this stuff is ALWAYS timely), and an ensemble cast made of top to bottom standout performances (but that Strong/Cohen combo is particularly inspired).

— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) September 23, 2020

TheTrialOfTheChicago7 is great, a wily marriage of Sorkin's strengths, timely material (though the film makes a cogent argument this stuff is ALWAYS timely), and an ensemble cast made of top to bottom standout performances (but that Strong/Cohen combo is particularly inspired).

— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) September 23, 2020

TheTrialOfTheChicago7 is great, a wily marriage of Sorkin's strengths, timely material (though the film makes a cogent argument this stuff is ALWAYS timely), and an ensemble cast made of top to bottom standout performances (but that Strong/Cohen combo is particularly inspired).

— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) September 23, 2020

TheTrialOfTheChicago7 is great, a wily marriage of Sorkin's strengths, timely material (though the film makes a cogent argument this stuff is ALWAYS timely), and an ensemble cast made of top to bottom standout performances (but that Strong/Cohen combo is particularly inspired).

— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) September 23, 2020

此片原本由派拉蒙影业发行,但由于新冠肺炎疫情影响,派拉蒙影业最终出售发行权给 Netflix。据传 Netflix 购入《芝加哥七人案:惊世审判》的全球版权金额达 5600 万美元(约新台币 16.4 亿)。

如同 Netflix 先前多部被视为奖季热门的电影,《芝加哥七人案:惊世审判》将于 10 月 16 日全球上线 Netflix 前,先在美国戏院进行为期三周的限定放映。


by dramaqueen

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 lucky 2020-09-24发表,共计2648字。